Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vroom, Vroom.....

While Logan was home sick last week, he played quietly in his room a lot of the time.  He is a very creative 9 year old.  Anytime he needs something "new" to play with, he is good at coming up with a way to make it out of something we have here at the house.  This is a quality all of my kids posses and it makes me so proud.

Well, one of the days he and Landon had been playing cars and the next thing I know, I hear him going through the craft closet. 

I asked him what he was doing and he said, "We need a new race track for our cars, so I am making one".  I LOVE IT!   Keep in mind, he already has a few store bought tracks but nothing beats homemade...RIGHT!?

He grabbed a few sheets of our craft foam, cut the shapes he needed, taped them together and 

Check it out! :-)

Pretty cool, isn't it? 


  1. Wow! Think you have a prodigy on your hands! That's fantastic!

  2. Very creative little man...Keep encouraging him...GREAT JOB LOGAN!!!!!
