Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This is not crochet relate but hey, not everything has to be...right?  :-)

I am thankful for so many things, it is really hard to pick what I want to talk about each week.  Now of course I am thankful for ALL 3 of my kids.  They are the most amazing blessings in my life and I could easily write a blog post about each one of them.

Today I choose to focus on my oldest, my first born, my amazing son...LOGAN!  

I am so Thankful for the day I first found out I was pregnant with him, it was early in my marriage and only a few months after a miscarriage.  He was the baby I always new I wanted, longed for and was meant to have.  There are really no words to describe the feeling when I first saw him and first held him.  Just thinking about it now brings a rush of emotion over me.

He made me a mommy and he continues to make me a better mommy every day.  Helping him to grow, teaching him and being a part of his daily life has taught ME so many things about who I am and the person I am meant to be.  He makes me a better person!

Anyone that gets a chance to know Logan is blessed and Iam the lucky one that gets to be his mommy :-) 

I am so THANKFUL for that! 

1 comment:

  1. So true! Hes a pretty awesome kid and you're a pretty awesome mom! Keep up the great work :)
