Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bubble Snake

My kids LOVE blowing bubbles.  It is one of those simple activities that no matter how old they get, they still LOVE IT.  

I have seen these project many times and finally decided to give it a try today.  To say it was a huge hit is an understatement. 

Here is what you need:

- An old sock
- A soda or water bottle (cut the bottom off)
- Dish soap and water in a bowl
- Rubberbands

I had a really long sock so I cut it in half and the bottle I had was really tall so I cut that smaller also.  Then I just slide the sock up over the cut end of the bottle so that the sock end is nice and flat.  Secure with a rubberband.

Now all you need is to add some dish soap and water to your dish/bowl.  You just need enough to dip the sock end of the bottle into.

I added some food coloring to the bottom of the sock but I think I added too much because some how we ended up being covered in food coloring more then the bubbles were!  LOL  I suggest just using the dish soap and water....it is JUST as fun!

This is BEFORE we all became a colored mess!  haha
Then you just dip the sock end into the soap and blow, blow, blow.  It doesn't take much soap/water at all and you can make quite a few bubble snakes before you need to re dip.  A little goes a long way.

We may never buy store bought bubbles ever again!!!

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