Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Birthday Butterfly

My little girl is 7 years old today.  She has a love for butterfly's, particularly the Monarch Butterfly.  I saw THIS pattern and I knew I just had to make them for her.  They looked simple enough but let me tell you, crocheting around a molded hanger is much more tedious then it looks.  I could only get one wing done per evening.

Hangers molded into wing shapes and yarn picked out. 

Night two, progress :-)

Ta Da...completed Monarch Butterfly wings. 

My newly 7 year old butterfly

She wanted to act out the life cycle.  Egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly.  Love this little sweetheart!

They were a huge hit.  She is even sharing them with her new pet horse!  


  1. Do you have a pattern for this? Im trying to create fairy wings by crocheting around hangers like this but I have no idea what to do after covering the hanger. I'd appreciate any help you're willing to offer! Thanks :)

    1. So sorry I am just seeing this comment. If you are still in need, please email me using the link at the top right of my blog. I will get you the pattern information.

