Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning in Februrary

This has been a MILD winter to say the least.  As much as I do love this gorgeous spring weather, I do hope we still get SOME snow.  I sure do enjoy playing in the snow with the kids.  We have had their snow boots lined up by the door for months now..haha

This unusual spring like weather must have set something off in me.  I just can't stop cleaning out and organizing.
Yesterday I cleaned every nook possible in my bathroom, hall closet, the top of my refrigerator and my pantry.  It feels good to have that done now and 3 bags of trash out of the house but my house pretty much exploded yesterday...LOL

Today I have decided to change out some of my 3 year olds clothing.  For the most part his tiny little butt still fits in his 2T clothing.  Some of the pants and shirts are starting to get too short.  I put a bunch of stuff away in the attic and brought down all the 3T clothes I could find.

So today is officially laundry day!  Washing all the old clothes and the new ones I just unpacked.  Nice clean, re organized drawers are in my future :-)

I think I am going to stay on this path for a few more days and really get some stuff cleared out.  Now to decide what to get into this weekend?

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